Oh How Sweet To Rest In The Arms Of Jesus

Religious programming on Sunday radio is not complete if this song is not played. This and a few other songs are loved by many.

Oh How Sweet To Rest In The Arms Of Jesus
by Kirk Talley

Once a traveller I was wandering down a road rough and dusty,
Satan had me blinded to the things of the Lord;
I didn’t know the peace of Jesus, was unaware salvation pleases
Till I trusted Him completely by reading God’s Word.

Oh, how sweet to rest in the arms of Jesus
Oh, how sweet to know I’m safe from all harm;
Just to know He has saved me, with His mercy forgave me
Oh, how sweet to lean on Jesus’ strong arms.

He is building me a mansion, His perfect plan needs no expansion
I can hear the ransomed church start to sing “Amazing Grace”,
There’ll be sunshine and laughter and joy ever after
As we march round the walls of jasper, seeing Jesus face to face.

Oh, how sweet to rest in the arms of Jesus
Oh, how sweet to know I’m safe from all harm;
Just to know He has saved me, with His mercy forgave me
Oh, how sweet to lean on Jesus’ strong arms.


5 Replies to “Oh How Sweet To Rest In The Arms Of Jesus”

  1. I woke up this morning quite early as I usually do, and felt His peace and rest surround me. I am so grateful for the example of love that Jesus showed while He was on this earth. An example that when followed, brings such joy and calm to our souls. And when we share this love, it blossoms and blooms in the hearts of others and we know it’s not us, it’s Him! I will never regret the day I chose to follow Him and walk away from the old ways that brought destruction and pain and sorrow. Thank you Lord Jesus! To Him I give praise!

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  2. When I think of the the goodness of Jesus I just have to sing this song it’s my favorite happy moment song


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