A Merry Heart

A children’s chorus that states the solution to problems of life.

A Merry Heart
A merry heart, doeth good like a medicine
Like a medicine is a merry heart,
But a broken spirit drieth the bones;
A merry heart doeth good, doeth good
Like a medicine. 

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb,
Sweet to the soul and health to the bones.
Proverbs sixteen, twenty-four.
Music Sheet for one version of this song:

(source: Prov.15:13/Prov.17:22/Prov.16:24)

3 Replies to “A Merry Heart”

  1. My mom, Anna Aseltine, told me she composed this song, and I remember her saying Dan Griffin put it to music, when she went to Shiloh Temple in Oakland, CA.


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