Rejoice, You’re A Child Of The King

We sang this chorus at UCCF. Singing it reminds us to rejoice always, regardless of how we’re feeling right now.

Rejoice, You’re A Child Of The King
O little children rejoice (and sing)
You’re a child of the King
You’re a child of the King
You’re a child of the King;
Lift your heads up high and rejoice
For you’re a child of the King.

This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

This chorus doesn’t stop at day, but goes on to say what will happen in this week, month and year.

This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made
This is the day, this is the day
That the Lord has made, that the Lord has made
We will rejoice, (we will rejoice)
And be glad in it (and be glad in it) Continue reading “This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made”

I Will Rejoice In You And Be Glad

I can only remember singing this chorus at Youth Fellowship; and most times it was suggested by Bro. Patrick Harrison. He liked this chorus.

I Will Rejoice in You And Be Glad
I will rejoice in You and be glad
I will extol Your love more than wine
Draw me unto Thee and let us run together
I will rejoice in You and be glad.